There are several benefits of vegan protein over animal based on their nutrition profiles. Plant based protein supplements can be used by people trying to gain muscle mass as well as vegans and vegetarians looking for alternative protein sources.

Proteins are an important part of the diet. They are the basic building blocks of the body as well as being important for immune system functions. Proteins are eaten in the diet, and the most important part of the nutritional profile of proteins are the essential amino-acids, which our body cannot produce on its own. Different quality proteins are gained from different sources, and the very nature of the source of protein determines several key factors in its nutritional benefits. Plant based vegan proteins have several advantages compared to animal based proteins. They are more easily absorbed and contain a very good amino-acid profile without the additional fats that usually accompany animal-based protein.

Most people are aware that protein is an important part of the diet, and necessary for optimal health. Proteins are one of the three macronutrients (the other two being fats and carbohydrate) that are needed by the body to function properly.

Proteins are degraded in the stomach and intestines into amino-acids, which are then absorbed and used as basic building blocks for our own protein. Although protein in the diet is necessary for everyone, some people may need a little extra protein; protein intake plays a very important part in bulking up and gaining muscle mass, since muscles are mostly constructed from protein.

Protein is regularly cycled in the body and old and damaged proteins are replaced with new ones, a process which is the basis of health, as well as regeneration and recovery. These new proteins require amino-acids for their construction, making protein essential in the diet, more so in cases where the body needs to recover, build more mass or heal.

There are different kinds of protein, and accordingly, their absorption and benefits are different. The most well known high-protein foods come from animal sources, such as chicken, beef, fish and eggs. However, if you choose to follow a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle, then you need to consider your protein intake more carefully.

Animal and plant proteins are different in several ways. Animal proteins tend to be more complex and thus more difficult to absorb. Plant proteins have also been found by some studies to boost glucagon and insulin activity, contributing to a faster and better metabolism. Finally, plant protein is often times cheaper and more readily available then animal protein.

As said, protein nutrition is very important to people who undergo muscle-building and mass gaining. nutrition proteins are the most important building blocks of muscles, and must be present in the diet in an increased amount during recovery so that the muscles can grow. Another important factor in recovery is the restoration of the muscles energy stores in form of glycogen. The sooner after work-out the glycogen is restored and proteins eaten, the faster can the process of recovery begin. An additional benefit of raw vegan protein is that, unlike animal protein, it is not usually associated with higher amounts of dietary fats.



Vegan proteins are considered premium proteins, and can be used after exercise to enhance the recovery process since they contain a high percentage of essential amino acids, which must be taken through nutrition, since our bodies are incapable of producing them themselves. Raw vegan protein powder has some nutritional advantages when compared to standard protein powders or protein rich foods. It contains high levels of branched-chain amino acids that have several functions; they help boost the immune system and increase the production of glutathione, a natural antioxidant that helps clear the debris made during work out, as well as being more easily absorbed and provide more material for protein construction. Raw proteins have a much faster absorbing rates in the intestines, which allows them to be absorbed as fast as possible after work out, so they reach the blood and muscles much faster to begin the recovery process. This results in a rise in of amino acid levels and helps recovery. Dietary glutamine plays a key role by helping to maintain muscle mass, enhancing glycogen, promoting healing, increasing growth hormone levels and helping prevent muscle catabolism.

Vegan protein has no lactose and is a very good protein source for vegetarians and vegans. Leucine, isoleucine and valine are essential amino acids that play important roles in muscle tissue repair. All of the essential amino acids and proteins can be obtained by consuming a variety of raw foods. Proteins that contain all the essential amino acids are called complete proteins. Choosing the ideal protein supplement for muscle building work out can be a complicated task. The important things to consider here are the absorption levels of the protein, the amino-acid profile and form of proteins eaten. A good protein supplement ideally consist of all the essential amino acids, with a good ratio of branch-chained amino acids and is in a rapidly absorbable form. One supplement to recommend that fulfills all of these key factors is Passion Project's 'certified organic raw pea protein'. It is a good choice for anyone who wants a readily-absorbed and full-profile protein supplement to either help with bulking up or making up for a lack of protein in your nutrition. 

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